Friday, July 26, 2013

First Anniversary For Gonzo Blog

Author Michael Shandrick

On August 4, 2012, I wrote my first posting,  “The U.S. Now A Banana Republic” . It was my first attempt at a topical (news worthy) blog. That piece garnered a modest 40 page views.

As of today (July 29, 2013) I have received more than 5,000 views from 34 posts.

Here are my most popular posts over the past year:

These three posts took an in-depth look at how Hollywood and Wall Street banksters have ruined America’s visual effects industry by reaping profits from ruined companies and then selling assets to foreign buyers.

Two companion posts illustrate how Moneyball keeps paying off for the underdog Oakland A’ baseball team during last season’s dramatic finish – and now the A's are at it once again.

These posts examine how math is changing soccer, politics and baseball.

If you are new to the blog, I invite you to take a peek at 33 posts:

For my supporters: Thank you. Stay tuned.

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